In Memory of Nelson Mandela

This was, in fact, an article which I wrote immediately after the death of one of the iconic leaders of the world - Nelson Mandella. Like many others who honored the leader, this was my small token for this great man who left a lasting legacy of leadership. However, the crucal lesson this honorable man left for us to learn was timeless and I guess it's also very timely to the current Ethiopian political landscape. President Mandela clearly showed us how forgiveness and reconciliation generates leadership excellence. Leave alone a man who was tormented and persecuted for such a long time, we, as lay professionals, who might or might not have undergone a fraction of what he had endured find it hard to forgive who bestows us severe harm. Despite being one of the core values of many cultures and Christianity, we often abysmally fail in practicing forgiveness and reconciliation. Some of us grew up being told to take this amazing gesture on a daily basis, but we refrain from showing it in our lives, somehow. Why? I guess to forgive and reconcile is not that simple as much as it seems apparently. Besides, for most of us, I guess, our closest knee-jerk response when harmed by an individual, group or any other body is, unfortunately, retribution, even whlile the other party ('prey') has already tumbled in our hands. A leader can literally exercise his/her power in whatever way he/she can against his/her 'adversaries' whom he/she assumes to potentally hurt him/her or block their way. However, LEARNING A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT COURSE OF ACTION OTHER THAN RETRIBUTION AS A RESPONSE TO ONE'S BOUNDLESS IMPAIRMENT AND HARM IS ONE VITAL CONSTITUENT THAT DEFINES LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE. That route which I take pleasure to call the GOLDEN NUGGETS OF LEADERSHIP IS THE ACT OF FORGIVING AND RECONCILING. THE HEIGHT OF FAR-SIGHTED GRASP OF LEADERSHIP IS TO MAINTAIN A WINNING SPIRIT IN THE FACE OF PHYSICAL AND MENTAL ANGUISH. I know this is easier said than done. Are these golden nuggets of leadership impossible to emulate? Is it because it's impossible to practise forgiveness and reconciliation that we don't see them in our leaders today? I believe it is possible, with a resolve - to practise forgiveness and reconciliation but only by regularly taking a huge step - a daily sacrifice of the self over a greater end in mind.


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