Making changes in any aspect of our lives is not always easy be it in our personal life styles, groups or organizations, even if we have some kind of institutional influence on our pals or colleagues. However, it's crucial as we move on in our lives.This is not becuase our former routine ways of doing things were, as such, found to be dismal, but there are always ways to make them better as they're far from being perfect.
Of course the changes we want to make, added to the unforseen future circumstances, cannot often generate all the results we anticipate. In fact, at times the changes we made can even go to the reverse way and may have counter repurcussions, and hence, could affect the pace of our journey. However, I believe these should not deter us from reaching the destination we are heading to. With faith and good intention we can fine-tune our strategies and reach our goal in style. Some people told me that this is being duplicitous on the one who made the changes in the first place, and insisted on sticking to past principles whatever and however difficult it may turn out to be. Nevertheless, for me, as Jimmy Dean said, though we "can't change the direction of the wind, we can adjust our sails to always reach our destination." Far from being duplicitous, changing your strtaegy on your way to meet your goal is the core of wise leadership. What do you think?