Be a Better You

As we began the New Year, every one of us (unless some of us deliberately hushed) vow to ourselves and others to become better than we were the previous year. Some become vocal and say they’re determined to put off some weight (I being in this group); others resolutely pledge to learn new skills; still others pledge to become like someone they always considered a model. Sadly, though, at the end of the year most of us often regret for not doing anything we aspired to accomplish 365 days ago. Most experts in this field suggest we do a little on a daily basis, despite our seemingly discouraging first moves. Accept that being better than you were yesterday is a process and not a one-time product. They remind us that we still have 360 or so days and should not be discouraged by the efforts we exert the very first consecutive days. Stay focused and persevere in doing whatever you can, but don’t give in. You’ll surely get unexpected feat by the end of the year, and become better than you were yesterday.


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