*Be the Part of the Undergoing Changes

The Ethiopian political landscape has tremendously changed ...for the better, not to return to the previous sad years anymore...or at least not in any way as it used to be, God willing. However, change of any sort may not always be easy as we might often think. Sometimes we naively consider the changes that are undergoing around us as if it won't require our roles. This is not only wrong but devastating. As Bill Clinton once said, "The price of doing one and the same old thing is far higher than the price of change." The past experience we had gave us no opportunities to willingly partake in any kind of nation-building activities. Now we are in a different epoch in our history, where everyone of us (I, you and all citizens) are voluntarily and responsibly called to do our each part in the nation-building process. In order to be beneficiary as one nation, we all need to aggressively be part of the undergoing changes. Who said that "He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution who rejects progress/change/ is the cemetery." In short, the core essence of change is for you I and every citizen to think, say and do differently as we are expected to act in line with the new thinking every single day. By the way, change should not be a campaign thing where we practice it for a period of time. It should be practised until it becomes one's life style.


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