Calling a Spade a Spade

It seems to me that as we move towards the 21st century, calling a spade a spade to practically any issues, among other earlier virtues, are mocked at or considered obsolete by the present-day society. Rather than speaking the truth or facing the reality, it appears that giving deaf ears or else conforming /fitting in/ to the false/fake/ status qua is taken as the right approach to deal with everything, especially if the issue concerns a person or group, or someone in the highest hierarchy of the government, church or any other office. What’s more funny is that those who boldly encounter the truth are jeered at. But what should be known is that regardless of technology or the speed of innovation, people are people and continue to uphold virtues such as standing by the truth, as timeless. George Orwell says “the further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those that speak it.” That's why I say here let’s approach the truth boldly and lovingly and not see it as ‘normal’ to fit in with the status qua and deny the truth when spuriousness tries to dominate the air.


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