If only we Africans Could Use Our Senses

 If only we, Africans, saw, not with our bare eyes but with our “hearts” as we used to 

If only we sensed our strength and unique agility
If only we heard the sharp wisdom voices of our ancestors, and not the “modern” absurdity
If only we sniffed the rat wrapped with the handed over financial aid, and not the phony benefits
If only we felt the coarseness of the glittering jewels, before we swapped them with our real diamonds
If only we weren’t as naïve as children to believe and accept all we were told about western egalitarianism
If only we were as wise as our fellowmen to discern the sugar-coated from that of honey
If only we had the courage to boldly scrutinize like our descendants, the authenticity of every “gift” thrown to us by the west
If only we felt the wealth of our lands and if only, we knew they’re the sources for all medical remedies
If only we saw the flair of our people to become wealthier and happier
If only we believed, as our trailblazers, the key to all our happiness and prosperity was our harmonious unity and diversity, as sons and daughters of the Creator,
If only we could smell the fragrance of our black beauty, the strength and shield against foreign enemy,
If only we knew all our conflicts emanated outwardly, and not inwardly,
If only we saw the remedy to social healing was willingness to listen to one another,
If only we could see the future was bright for Africans
If only we stood firm and claimed the lost time by working hard….
• Imagine what could possibly happen!!!!

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