Western’s Palpable Attack on Africa /with sarcasm/


How lucky Africans are to have considerate foster parents (western nations) who are always ready to lead and help us grow up all the way to adulthood! They sympathize with Africans as we are sightless; if at all we see, it’s a different thing than the reality, so westerners are there to rescue us by seeing the right thing for us; what a blessing! We Africans are also hard of hearing, although we claimed to hear voices; so, our foster parents come extra mile to hear and tell us what’s being said. For our own benefit, our foster parents tell us what we can and cannot do; Africans even don’t have to think for ourselves because democracy is a nice thing in that it thinks more to its foster children than itself (remember parents are not selfish) and choose what’s “better” for its children. What fantastic foster parents we have!

The western nations have for long treated Africans as human beings without the faculty to operate on their own. Africans have lived in a world where the western nations maneuver their lives; instead of the earlier ‘give and take’ relationship they had at the beginning (although the ‘take’ part was larger than the ‘give’ one, even then,) it has now reached a time where westerners claim ‘take’ what we give or else you’ll get penalized for not taking’- or simply, they have advanced to a principle of ‘my way or the highway’.

Among other brilliant lessons, the foster parents taught Africans that some of them belong to one race and others belong to another one. The foster parents instilled in them that this is one of the many classifications that helps for every scientific study as it identifies remedies for all odds. So, they taught them that there’re negroes, whites, yellows, Hispanics etc. (you see, some may have come from mars, oops!). Not only this type of continental classification. The narrative continued to say that Africans need to get deeper classifications among their peoples living in one country. For instance, the Amhara, Afar, Tigre, Oromo etc. in Ethiopia or the Hutu, Tutsi in Rwanda are different (remember, some may have descended from Jupiter, surprisingly enough!) and it’s scientifically important to find out their racial identity!

The foster parents’ cordiality went further to help Africans choose their leaders and political parties, cultures, what to buy and which to leave in world market, yes, even who to get married! Aren’t they great service men? (oops, they taught them to use gender-free words and the writer should have used ‘service people’ otherwise one of the classifications he hasn’t dealt yet was gender classification, which he can be accused of for using derogative words). By the way westerners have advanced Africans’ biology lessons, too: taught them that gender is not only male and female (there are gay, LGBT, straight, (‘bend’, oops, I just thought the opposite of each might be there) and continued to tell Africans other genders will come as technology grew faster. What a gift of scientific discovery!
Well, Africans, led by Ethiopians, finally chose the highway, this time, instead of western’s ‘my way'. They used their #NoMore language that expresses their message crystal clear. As 21st century African adults they have #NoMore shoulder to carry their foster parents’ character of all-knowingness and intervention in every single aspect of their lives, nor do they have the fortitude to hear their claimed democracy (translated in African #NoMore language as ‘autocracy’) and has deafened them. For the western world, unity is absurd and must be demolished; antiracism is a thoughtcrime (only racists are to be supported because they know their rights to attack the other races; According to the African #NoMore dictionary, living in unison means bringing harmony, strength, and beauty. However, the western nations consider this anti-democratic force and, in their Redbook, termed as tier 3 terrorist category. (By the way, they taught us many categories and classifications. (The writer couldn’t enumerate all of them in this brief writing).

The good thing is #NoMore is unstoppable force unless the west packs up and leaves Africa or behave properly. (in the #NoMore dictionary 'behave properly' means 'submit to the will of the host'). Anyways, the writer doesn’t see any other way out for the west to build relationship with Africa other than behave properly. Hold the banner #NoMore or leave seems the new order of Africa. (part 1)


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